SEO in 2019: Are Online Web Directories Still Useful?
For a long time directories occupied an important role in the evolution of the web. Before Google and complex search algorithms most of the internet was categorised using Yahoo's original web directory which categorised websites manually by niche and from which the company took its name. Things have changed a great deal since then and last year, twenty years since its inception, Yahoo rather innocuously announced the death of its directory, bringing to a close a fundamental chapter in the history of the internet. A Moz research revealed that web directories and local citations are still a small ranking factor, and mainly for small businesses. Although Google’s John Mueller said that directory links “generally” don’t help with the SEO. What Purpose does Web Directories Serve? Directories are the large databases, that hold huge number of websites segregated based on their categories and sub-categories. There are always paid and free directories, some of them take ...